A downloadable Project Luna for Windows

Project Luna is a Magical Girl Action RPG! 

Inspired by the magical girl genre and games such as Persona, Devil May Cry, and Final Fantasy 7: Remake, Project Luna will follow a young girls journey to becoming a magical warrior, balancing school and social life while facing the forces of evil. 

This build is the Combat Prototype 0, intended for gathering feedback on combat mechanics. Please give it a shot and share your thoughts on the feedback survey linked on the main menu. 

You'll also be able to find links to the official Discord, Youtube and Twitch channels from the main menu as well.  Regular updates and devlogs will be posted on those channels and anyone is welcome to participate and give feedback.

Discord: https://discord.gg/QGReEbVy

Feedback Survey:


project-luna-cp0-win.zip 8.9 GB
Version 4 29 days ago

Install instructions

Simply download and run the MGG_Project.exe. 

Make sure to play the tutorial first and participate in the feedback survey after playing!

Recording your playtest sessions and posting and sharing your thoughts on the discord would be incredibly helpful as well!

Development log


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19 gb so big

Sorry about that, it's still just a prototype so it hasn't been optimized.

ok think good